Ghost Recon Wildlands has been out for a few weeks now, so we thought we’d see what our community thinks of the game. Below are some quotes, statements and general musings on Ghost Recon Wildlands from our very own community! It’s kind of like when you get quotes from reviewers on video launch trailers, but better!
“Loved it for the first 20 hours. got repetitive afterwards, yet I still managed to get the platinum.” – Mr_Pandaaaa
“Mixing previous Ghost Recon games with the great Far Cry Co-op missions, Wildlands is fun game to play when with your friends.” – Stark464
“A huge open-world playground in which you can either team up with friends to plan and execute missions like stealth experts, or simply have a laugh and chaotically carve a path of destruction. – Youreviltwin
“If you ever wanted to play Netflix’ “Narcos” TV Show in real life, this is the closest you will get”. – Buckybit
“This is your chance to feel like 80’s DEA Agent with mustache like Narcos” – Cuddlykrogan
“Tbh this has been one of the best co-op experiences I have had thus far. The game is far from polished however, this unpolished state combined with the open world and not so static encounters adds up to some memorable moments.” – Karl
“Wildlands might not boast the most original or unique story and missions, it is one of the best co-op experiences I’ve ever played. Set in a stunning open world, the chaotic fun of completing missions your own way with your buddies delivers everything that I wanted The Division to be.” – Milo
Feel free to discuss your opinions on any and all video games within our community! You never know, you may feature on our next Community Thoughts blog post!