Stormworks: Build And Rescue Advanced Editing Update is here and with it comes some cool new tools to streamline and improve the construction of vehicles, we have listed the key features bellow to aid you in your quest to become the best search and rescue service you can be.
Copy and paste section
This does exactly what it says on the tin this feature allows you to copy and paste any blocks or components in a selected area, this can speed up construction if you have a repeating section or if you have an arrangement of blocks / components you wish to have in multiple locations on your vehicle.
To use this tool you will firstly select the Selection Tool from the top bar this will start off as a single cube simply drag the cube and stretch it out to fit the entire section you wish to copy, then select the copy button, drag the copied section to your desired location and paste it. The final step will be to use the merge tool to ensure the section is attached to your vehicle, simply press the merge button and select the vehicle, your new component will now be merges with the rest of the vehicle.
Custom Paint Colour
You can now create your own custom paint colours using RGB sliders, this give you a lot more freedom and customisation options for painting your vehicle and adding decals. To use this tool simply click the large pallet at the bottom, click the plus sign and use the RGB sliders to customise the colour, once you have selected your colour you can paint your vehicle as normal.
Paint Mirror
It is not just construction that can be mirrored, painting now has this option too this works in the exact same way as it does for construction simply turn on the mirror mode and everything you paint will be mirrored along either the X, Y or Z plane of your vehicle.
Paint Fill
To speed up painting large sections of your vehicle the Fill tool has been added, this will cover an entire section in one click, the paint will either cover an entire flat section of a ship to the edges or fill a section that is fully enclosed by an already painted section of any colour.
To use this tool simply select the paint bucket tool, select the colour you wish to paint and click the area you wish to be painted.
This vastly improves the ability to construct and customise a vehicle’s interior no more awkward positioning of the camera or removing parts of your vehicle to see inside, the X-ray tool will allow you to see a cross section of your vehicle along either the X, Y or Z axis.
To use the X-ray tool first select the Section Plane tool from the right hand side, with this tool you can select the X, Y or Z plane to see a cross section of your vehicle, once you have selected the plane you can use the Move Widget and drag to reveal more or less of the vehicle.
Copy component
This minimises the amount of time you spend going through the component library, this feature allows you to ctrl + click a block or component this will make it your current active selection allowing you to place it without having to select it from the component library.
Clicking and dragging a block now gives measurements in the X, Y and Z axis of the area covered.
You can now click and drag pyramids / inverse pyramids to form a line of pyramid blocks, this is especially useful for creating the bow of ships.
If you delete a component that is linked to another using the logic tool, pressing the undo button will also re-attach the logic instead of this having to be done manually.
GIFs taken from Frantic Matty Youtube video: