Attack on Titan is the best Spider-man game that’s not a Spider-man game, and also the best anime about chopping the heads off giants. Want to chop the heads off giants or watch people chop the heads off giants? Attack on Titan is for you.
But you must examine yourself, what if you are a Titan? What if you’re destined to crunch the bones of tiny humans in your giant mouth?
Well here are 10 Signs That You’re a Titan, check them and check yourself.
1. You run like a baby
2. No seriously, you run like a baby. All your friends do too.
3. You have no patience with children
4. You’re a bit clumsy
5. You can be a bit…fighty
6. But you like a rest every now and again
7. You can be a bit dramatic
8. And you can be a bit of a wrecking ball
9. But you’re the coolest of the cool
10. But we gotta talk about this. You run like a baby.
Are you a Titan? Do you feel like any of these apply to you? Let us know in the comments below, or on social media!
But also if you are a Titan, please don’t eat us.