With each new Monster Hunter title comes an absolute avalanche of freshly horrid monsters for players to pit themselves against. Monster Hunter Rise is no different in this regard and actually boasts one of the most varied (and not to mention terrifying) rosters of new monsters to date. So when it comes to Monster Hunter Rise, what are all the confirmed new monsters then? Well, we’re glad you asked.
Monster Hunter Rise New Monsters – Aknosom
A fearsome bird monster with terror to spare, when Aknosom isn’t using its head slam attack to impale unsuspecting folks it’s circling around in the air, spewing out balls of fire in a circular motion. Whether up close or at range, few are safe from the seemingly inexhaustible rage of Akonsom.
Monster Hunter Rise New Monsters – Almudron
The resident serpent wyvern of Monster Hunter Rise, Almudron’s game is all about slowing down and eventually incapacitating its foes before it goes for the kill. Whether that’s by destroying the ground underneath hunters, or sticking them to the ground by virtue of ranged mud attacks, Almudron has no shortage of ways to keep hunters just where it wants them to be. Worse still, is the fact that Almudron can mitigate incoming damage from hunters by using the same mud it flings at its foes as a kind of special armor.
Monster Hunter Rise New Monsters – Bishaten
Bishaten is a bit of an odd one to say the least. A massive ape with wings (this is Monster Hunter after all), Bishaten is fond of consuming (and throwing) the different coloured fruits that it carries around in a handy pouch. With the yellow fruits, Bishaten can inflict a stunlock attack on its enemies, while the purple fruits allow this winged terror to inflict substantial poison damage onto hunters. If that wasn’t enough, Bishaten’s wings also allow him to be unusually evasive and tricky to pin down, too.
Monster Hunter Rise New Monsters – Goss Harag
Found in the frigid wastes of the Rise’s Frost Islands, Goss Harag is essentially a mega-angry owl/yeti/thing that fashions its own sharp, stabby things out of ice. Beyond Goss Harag’s talent for creating blades, this boss can also devastate enemies with its oversized claws and highly damaging shockwave and ice beam attacks.
Monster Hunter Rise New Monsters – Great Izuchi
One of the smallest of Rise’s new roster of monsters, the Great Izuchi makes up for its relative diminutive stature with an overabundance of spryness which allow it to inflict hugely damaging claw attacks before darting out of range. Imagine a super colorful looking raptor crossed with a fox and, well, something else, and then you’ve got the Great Izuchi. Sort of.
Monster Hunter Rise New Monsters – Magnamalo
Easily the most impressive of all the new monsters revealed so far, Magnamalo is a towering challenge not for the faint of heart (or slow of reaction). A true titan in every sense of the word, Magnamalo can easily end the lives of aggressors by virtue of it’s extremely deadly purple flames which can emanate from almost every part of its body. Beyond Magnamalo’s fondness for hotness, this vibrant looking horror can also devastate hunters with tail swipes and extremely fast claw attacks which belie the monster’s seemingly vast dimensions. A true challenge for hunters everywhere.
Monster Hunter Rise New Monsters – Rakna-Kadaki
There are few things worse in life than spiders and it would seem that rudimentary maxim applies to Monster Hunter Rise too. Yep that’s right, Rakna-Kadaki is a spider; a massive one. And if that wasn’t enough, Rakna-Kadaki not only hops around the place with effortless agility, firing movement corroding webs at hunters in addition to searing beams and gas attacks, but it can also dispatch a brood of smaller spiders to relentlessly attack hunters too. Lovely.
Monster Hunter Rise New Monsters – Somnacanth
A slinky terror that favours stinking bogs and deep swamps, Somnacanth will rarely take hunters head on. Instead, this cunning big bad will look to sneak up on its foes and put them to sleep with its naturally generated sleep dust. While hunters are asleep, Somnacanth then starts to go to work, tearing apart its enemies while they sleep. Sneaky.
Monster Hunter Rise New Monsters – Tetranadon
One of the largest of the new monsters, Tetranadon has an utterly insatiable appetite which has provided it with an extremely durable physical shell. More than that, while Tetranadon is certainly slow to move around and has something of a comical waddle, it is also extremely powerful to that point that a single hit can pretty much wipe out an unsuspecting hunter. So yeah, try not to sleep on this big lad just because he has an odd plod.
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