Following a successful beta testing session last month and lots of invaluable feedback and input from the community, ShockRods devs – Stainless Games, have decided to move the games’ release date to late summer 2019 to ensure they deliver the best version of the game.
The full statement from Stainless Games:
Keep Calm & Keep your Powder Dry!
Earlier this month we opened up pre-orders for ShockRods around our live beta testing. Now the beta testing is done and the findings are being acted upon, it’s a good time for us to update you on what’s been happening since.
Firstly, we’d just like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who not only took part in the test weekends but also dropped by to check out the game at EGX Rezzed in April. We loved chatting to you all and hearing all the great things you had to say about ShockRods.
We had an amazing response from players during the beta, and the hugely helpful feedback and suggestions have continued to come in since – mainly through our dedicated Discord channel. This input has been invaluable to us, allowing us to tune and tweak the gameplay. As part of this process, we’ve made the decision to move the release of ShockRods to late summer 2019. This will allow us to incorporate all the relevant intel that’s been gathered, and address everything that came from the betas and subsequent discussions.
The extra time will ensure that we deliver the very best version of ShockRods possible – which has always been and remains our number one goal.
Once again, thank you everyone for the incredible support! And we look forward to seeing you soon in the ShockRods battle arenas!
Stainless Games
ShockRods is the new IP from Stainless Games, the legendary makers of Carmageddon. The game is a vehicle based, arena shooter, with all the in your face attitude you would expect from the studio. More information about the game can be found on the ShockRods website.
Pre-order ShockRods at Green Man Gaming.