Green Man Gaming R-type The Evolution of R-Type Mar 27th, 2020 Most gamers know that space is full of some weird stuff, and that, for the most part, it’s the kind of stuff you’re better off blowing up with a...
John-Paul Jones Thief Thief II turns 20 - A Retrospective On A Pioneering Stealth Series Mar 6th, 2020 On March 23rd, 2020 Thief II: The Metal Age will enjoy its 20th anniversary. This is significant because not only is the game rightfully regarded as...
Green Man Gaming Star Wars Remembering the Star Wars 1983 Arcade Game Mar 6th, 2020 While 1983 might not seem that long ago in cinema terms, it’s ancient history on the video game timeline. People still talk about the...
Green Man Gaming OutRun The Trippy Legacy of OutRun Mar 4th, 2020 The 80s were a time of excess and optimism, and no game quite captures the spirit of the 80s like OutRun. Released smack in the middle of...
Green Man Gaming Metal Slug The Timeless Perfection of Metal Slug Mar 4th, 2020 It’s a rare game series that can defy changing tastes to remain popular yet unchanged across seven titles, but the Metal Slug series has achieved...
Green Man Gaming Wipeout How Wipeout Shaped the Future of Gaming Feb 13th, 2020 If you aren’t from the past, then the easiest way to explain the Wipeout franchise to you is to say it’s a kart racer for grown-ups. The vehicle...