Thirteen years is certainly a long time to wait for any game and yet fans of 2011’s Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine, including myself, will tell you that by all accounts Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 looks to be worth it and then some. So with that in mind, here are ten things that we’re looking forward to most about Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 when it releases next month.
Laying Down The Lore
With its galaxy-spanning narratives and endless conflicts, the Warhammer 40,000 setting is stuffed to the brim with rich lore that often reaches from one story to another. Space Marine 2 looks to be no different in that regard, with dynamic character conversations, audio logs, cutscenes and more all fleshing out the struggle that Lieutenant Titus and his Ultramarine brethren are experiencing against the intergalactic Tyranid threat. Put simply, Space Marine 2 will utterly immerse you in the lore of the grimdark Warhammer 40,000 universe and I am absolutely here for it.
Campaign Co-Op That Lets You Bring In Some Mates To Fight For The Imperium
Even though 2011’s Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine boasted co-op, it was wholly restricted to separate Exterminatus missions, which were essentially a take on the traditional horde mode game type rather than anything more substantial. For the sequel however, developer Saber Interactive has gone the extra mile, allowing up to three players to take on the Tyranid and Chaos forces together in a full-sugar, full-fat cooperative campaign.

Operations Keep The Co-Op Goodness Flowing
Beyond such a delectable main course, Space Marine 2 also offers up an additional PvE cooperative mode in the form of ‘Operations’, a connected three-player co-op mode that ties directly into the main campaign. Providing players with various missions to accomplish, these Operations also offer much-appreciated glimpses into the narrative beyond Lieutenant Titus’ own struggles.
Next Generation Visuals That Bring The Grimdark Of Warhammer 40,000 To Life
There’s no denying that Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is a hugely attractive effort – I mean just look at it. Lavishly decked out in cutting-edge visuals which bring the visceral escapades of the Adeptus Astartes to vivid life, Space Marine 2 is a visual showcase with spectacle to spare as hundreds of foes can be seen (and slaughtered in appropriately violent fashion), while the destroyed worlds and environments that are synonymous with the grimdark of the Warhammer 40,000 universe stretch off into the horizon.

A Violently Immersive Soundscape
Though Space Marine 2 is absolutely shaping up to be a stunning-looking genre effort, its visual presentation is just one-half of the sensory excellence that it hopes to impart to players. Also set to greatly impress is the sound design of Space Marine 2, encompassing a cacophony of roaring Bolter fire, the squelching of enemy bodies as a Chainsword buzzes through bone and gristle, explosions that rip through the earth and sends mud flying through the air and so much more. The sound design in Space Marine 2 more than matches its impressive graphics.
Enter The Tyranids (And The Chaos Marines)
Moving on from the largely Ork-laden cast of baddies seen in the first game, Space Marine 2 has elected to bring on an all-new group of really rather quite bad dudes for the Ultramarines to deal with. In the place of Orks come the Tyranids – a massive, swarm-like alien race from beyond the limits of the current known universe. Spreading like a plague throughout the universe and murdering, infecting and defiling all races equally, the Tyranid hive-mind will provide even the most hardened Space Marine with the sternest of tests as they attempt to stem the infestation. Oh and also the hulking, largely unbeatable Chaos Marines are popping along for the ride too. So that’s nice.

Eternal War Brings PvP-Focused Modes To Keep You Blasting Away
Not content to merely present players with a bombastic story campaign and an additionally chunky Operations cooperative mode, Space Marine 2 also brings a trio of PvP-focused modes to the table, where players take up the opposite sides of the Ultramarines Chapter and Chaos Marines respectively. Annihilation is a classic deathmatch style mode where the winning team is the one with the most kills, while Capture and Control has you occupying a zone that changes its location throughout the match, with the winning team being the one that has occupied the zone for the longest time. Seize Ground meanwhile, tasks each side with capturing and defending three different specific zones on each map.
An Expanded Class-Based System
Whether you’re batting for the folks in blue or you’re down with that Chaos lot, Space Marine 2 provides no less than six different classes for players to embrace as part of their intergalactic struggle. With the Assault class, you’re looking at a role where, because of a predictable emphasis on high damage and close-range combat, they become the perfect soldier for punching through enemy lines. The Bulwark meanwhile, as the name suggests, is the damage soaker of the group that can use a huge shield to not only eat damage but to protect their teammates too. The Heavy class is a big fan of oversized weapons that deal out huge amounts of damage, though the weight of such an arsenal directly translates into reduced movement speed. With a focus on stealth and single-shot, long-range damage, the Sniper does pretty much what it says on the proverbial tin. Then we have the Tactical class, representing the closest thing Space Marine 2 has to an all-rounder role that proves equally competent at dealing both long and short-range damage. Finally, the Vanguard is all about agility and speed, making them the optimal class for nabbing objectives and hitting the enemy’s flank when they least expect it.

A Never Ending War That Will Continue Long After Launch
Not content to merely present players with a chunky story campaign and the additional ‘Operations’ focused PvE campaign, developer Saber Interactive has also committed to a wealth of post-release updates and extra content. Though the post-release content roadmap has yet to be published as of this writing, we can certainly expect to have a wealth of free new missions, maps, weapons and much more as Space Marine 2 storms into the future and adds content to its Eternal War PvP and Operations based PvE modes. Bring it on.
A Varied Array Of Weapons & Tools Fitting For The Adeptus Astartes
Though the numerous Space Marine chapters are highly disciplined, walking engines of war, it’s really in the depths of their extremely high-tech arsenal that the Adeptus Astartes present the biggest threat to its enemies. From the traditional Chainsword that makes mincemeat of enemies in close quarters, to the trusty Heavy Bolter, Camo Cloak, Bulwark Shield and so much more, Space Marine 2 doesn’t just give wannabe Ultramarines a couple of weapons and send them on their way, but rather a sizable arsenal of different weapons and tools that can be used to turn the tide of any battle. There may only be war in Warhammer 40,000, but in Space Marine 2, there are also smart ways to fight that war too.