Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is the latest entry, well, more of a spin-off really, in the Borderlands franchise – a series that brought the whole looter shooter subgenre to the fore, while introducing a whole range of super annoying/funny characters into the fold.
So, here is our handy guide to fill you in on everything you need to know about Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands from the Steam release date, to the voice actors, collectors edition details and much more besides.
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands – What Is It About?
A literal world away from the ramshackle apocalypse of the core Borderlands games, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands instead whisks players off to the titular fantastical realm of Tiny Tina’s creation, stuffed with oodles of enemies, bullets, magic and, yep you guessed it, loot.
A heady combination of Borderlands first-person shootery and tabletop Dungeons & Dragons style quests and narrative, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands isn’t just about blasting massive dragons out of the sky, it’s also about dealing with Tiny Tina herself who as something of a quirky, unstable dungeon master that can change the game world (and the monsters within it) on a whim.
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands – What Is The PC Release Date On Steam?
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands PC release date on Steam will happen sometime in 2022, but as of this writing it is simply just listed as ‘coming soon’ on Steam. Elsewhere though, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands will be released for PC via the Epic Games Store on March 24, 2022.
Further afield, the Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands console release date has also been confirmed for one day later on March 25, 2022 and will be available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X platforms.
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Voice Actors
Like the Borderlands games before it, Tiny Tina’s Wonderland’s voice actors are a varied and interesting bunch. Which characters in the game do they voice, though? Well, we’ve got some answers as to which roles they’re playing. The Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands cast are as currently follows:
- Tiny Tina – Ashly Burch
- Dragon Lord – Will Arnett
- Captain Valentine – Andy Samberg
- Frette – Wanda Sykes
- Jim Foronda – Claptrap
- Ciarán Strange – Paladin Mike
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Collector’s Edition – What Do You Get?
Carrying on the grand tradition of fashioning over the top retail packages, the Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands collector’s edition certainly has a fair share of goodies that devoted Borderlands fans will go a little bit stir crazy for. The Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Chaotic Great Edition includes the Dragon Lord content pack which in turn grants access to the following goodies:
- A Unique Legendary Weapon, The Apex
- Skullantir Legendary Spell
- Tyrant Attire Armour Presets (5 items)
- Villain’s Visage Face Preset (2 items)
- Death’s Head Makeup Pack (3 items)
- Emperor of the Dead Banner Set (3 items)
- Kwartz Hero Statue Material
- Season Pass (Includes the Butt Stallion Pack and four post-launch content releases)
- Diamond Guard Armour Preset (3 items)
- Crystal Glitter Makeup Pack (5 items)
- Adamant Throne Banner Set (2 items)
- Diamond Hero Statue Material
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Treasure Trove – What’s In The Box?
Ah, but that’s not all. You see, beyond the Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Chaotic Great Edition, 2K have also created something called the Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Treasure Trove – a generously stuffed box filled with physical goodies. Sometimes packaged with the Chaotic Great Edition at retail (the Treasure Trove does not include a copy of the game by itself), the Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Treasure Trove contains the following fancy trinkets:
- Butt Stallion Plush: A cuddly rendition of Borderlands most fearsome icon, the Butt Stallion Plush makes for a great, real-life friend for you to take with you on your journey through Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. This of course would be in lieu of actual friends that might wonder why you’re clutching a plush of rainbow unicorn beast with the sort of zeal that could perhaps be described as ‘mildly suspect’.
- Illustrated Tarot Cards: Much more than just a pack of cards, this 78-card strong deck boasts a whole range of designs from Tiny Tina herself. So naturally, prepare yourself to spend an inordinate amount of time working out what it all means.
- Standalone Bunkers & Badasses Module: An actual module from the Bunkers & Badasses tabletop RPG game, when players fancy a break from Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, they can get stuck into some tabletop goodness and see where it all started (and will likely continue).
- Enamel Companion Pins: Everybody likes some enamel pins, right? Well, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Treasure Trove comes with a whole bunch of them just in case you wanted to be reminded what a stabbing pain in your chest feels like.
- Butt Stallion’s Castle Papercraft Booklet: Despite the housing market being roundly unfair in every direction you turn, Butt Stallion’s Castle Papercraft Booklet allows you to build a castle of your own, mortgage free.
- Cloth Wonderlands Map: A beautiful 18″x30″ map which provides a visual chronicle of the titular Wonderlands, the opulent cloth Wonderlands map is certainly quite an attractive item to say the least. A word of warning though – the map shows areas and other special ‘landmarks’ that effectively double up as spoilers for the game itself, so beware.
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Pre Order Bonuses – What Do You Get?
Whether you’re pre-ordering the Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Chaotic Great Edition or merely just the standard version of the game, everyone is given a special pre-order bonus for doing so. Given free of charge for anybody who pre-orders any of the Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands editions until March 24, 2022, the Golden Hero Armour Pack contains two golden armour themes that can be applied to any armour set in the game itself.
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Trailer – Where Can I Watch The Latest Trailer?
Being something of a tentpole release for 2K and Gearbox Studios, it should come as little surprise that there are more than a few trailers for Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. Luckily for you, we’ve managed to track down the latest Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands trailer which goes into detail on the ‘Chaos Chamber’. Essentially an endlessly replyable endgame activity that creates a randomised dungeon filled with deadly enemies, traps and, obviously, a whole heap of high-end loot, you can catch the Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Chaos Chamber trailer below:
Buy Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands
Can’t wait to get your hands on some Dungeons & Dragons inspired Borderlands actions? Get a great price on Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands right here, where you’ll save money and be fully prepared to dive into this brand new adventure.