Girlfriend Rescue is a thrilling new adventure with an enthralling story where "Taken" meets "24". Innovative in many aspects, mixing rogue-style RPG and Beat 'em Up in a unique way, this game is a clear departure from the usual Fantasy formula.
You have very little time to find where your girlfriend has been taken, and to defeat whoever did it.
It seems a tough and big task. But true love doesn't calculate - it's the highest form of emotion, and this is why you just go after her... death or success, what will it be? Maybe YOU can decide on the outcome!
Key Features:
Enthralling Adventure Set in a Modern World
Stunning Artworks from the Team Behind Moonchild, The Book of Legends and Undefeated
Rename all your characters to yourself, your friends, your family - whoever you want, really
14 Bonus Items to Obtain Upon Completing Each World
Innovative and strategic battles
Original and inventive spells unique to each character
Incredible set of items, weapons and equipment
Tons of status ailments to enhance the strategic aspect
6 modes of difficulty (including Rogue, Maniac & Legendary, but also Easy)
Visible encounters, auto-save & optional mouse control
Great replay value with Tons of possible parties
Cast of 9 Characters to Choose from, not including 4 unlockable "Secret" Ones
79-page Strategy Guide available if you need it