Easily the most powerful items in the game, in Borderlands 3 the legendary gear that you can collect is simply must-have stuff for blasting your way through the opposition. However, there are a great many of them and so to help you keep track of all the Borderlands 3 legendaries we’ve made this handy list, letting you know how to get them. Onward!
Borderlands 3 Legendary List Locations – All Specific Drops And How To Get Them
These Borderlands 3 legendaries can only be found by defeating specific foes or completing specific missions and luckily for you, we’ve got the whole list below.
Borderlands 3 Legendary Assault Rifles
- Bekah (Shots split into a trio of projectiles) – Obtained by completing 100% of Hammerlock Challenges
- Hand of Glory (Has a melee add-on, has staggered burst-fire) – Obtained by completing the quest The Guns of Reliance
- Lead Sprinkler (Body shots cause an explosive round to ricochet. Headshots create three) – Will drop from Billy, the Anointed in Jakob’s Estate (Eden-6).
Borderlands 3 Legendary Heavy Weapons
- Hive (Shots move slow and then fire small homing rockets) – Will drop from Princess Tarantella II in The Splinterlands on Pandora.
- Stuffed Quadomizer (Fires a quartet of rockets that shift between elements) – Will drop from The Rampager in The Forgotten Basilica on Promethea.
Borderlands 3 Legendary Pistols
- Amazing Grace (Critical hits will return a bullet to mag clip. High damage) – Quest reward for completing Life of the Party.
- King’s/Queen’s Call (Critical shots cause three bullet ricochets) – Quest reward for defeating Tyreen the Destroyer and completing the Divine Retribution quest.
- Linc (Has extremely fast projectile speed and fire rate) – Will drop from the Anointed Alpha in The Anvil on Eden-6.
- Night Flyer (Extremely high damage, will never kill an enemy because damage will cease at 1HP of enemy health) – Will drop from I’m Rakkman in his hidden rakk cave in southwest Carnivora.
- Occultist (Fires one round that surrounds itself with many extra incendiary and explosive projectiles) – Increased chance to drop from Troy Calypso in The Great Vault on Pandora.
- Pestilence (Has an extremely high rate of fire) – Will drop from Hyde/Heckle in the Jakobs Estate on Eden-6. Atomic in Tazendeer Ruins on Nekrotafeyo also drops Pestilence when defeated.
- Psycho Stabber (Provides +125% melee damage boost) – Will drop from Borman Nates in Meridian Outskirts on Promethea.
- S3RV-80S-Execute+ (If the gun is thrown and hits enemies, those enemies take increased damage with stacking effect) – Will drop from Captain Traunt on Athenas with Mayhem Mode 4 active.
- Sellout (Shoots a laser that orb explodes but which also damages the wielder) – Obtained by completing the quest Sell Out in Ambermire. Players must (you guessed it), kill themselves in order to obtain the weapon as a ‘reward’.
- SkekSil (Sometimes shots fire out two extra rockets) – Will drop from Skrakk in Ascension Bluff on Pandora.
Borderlands 3 Legendary Shotguns
- Creeping Death (Shots home towards the foe after gun is thrown) – Will drop from Mother of Grogans in The Anvil.
- Fearmonger (Fires four shots that stick and explode) – Will drop from Captain Haunt in Heck.
- Mind-Killer (Very quick recharge. Scoped shots reduces spread) – Will drop from Mouth Piece in Ascension Bluff on Pandora.
- Nimble Jack (One shot before reloading with tight spread) – Drops from handsome Jackie on Skywell-27.
- One Pump Chump (Extreme damage. Single clip mag. Chance to not use ammo per shot) – High chance to drop from One Punch in Lectra City on Promethea.
- Phebert (Has increased damage, hitscan and uses two ammo per shot) – Drops from Wick and Warty in Lectra City on Promethea.
- Redline (Charging gun increases fire rate as does sticky mode) – Drops from Road Dog in The Splinterlands on Pandora.
- The Horizon (If thrown, this gun can be shot to create a singularity which results in a massive explosion) – Increased chance to drop from Maxitrillion in Voracious Canopy.
- The Garcia (Larger mag size) – Increased chance to drop from Chonk Stomp in Floodmoor Basin on Eden-6.
- Vosk’s Deathgrip (Shoots projectiles that create beams of the gun’s element. Alt fire mode shoots a disk that spawns a singularity) – Will drop from either Troy Calypso in The Great Vault on Pandora, or from the Valkyrie Squad and Wotan the Invincible in Midnight’s Calm when Mayhem Mode 4 is being used.
Borderlands 3 Legendary SMGs
- 9-Volt (Fires a triangle of Shock rounds) – Will drop from Killavolt in Promethea: Lectra City)
- Bankrolled Predatory Lending (Uses money instead of ammo at a rate of $1-$3 per shot) – Will drop from Lavender Crawly via Crew Challenge.
- Cloud Kill (High fire rate and creates corrosive clouds on impact) – Obtained by completing the quest Beneath the Meridian.
- Hellfire (High incendiary damage and fire rate) – Will drop from Jabbermogwai in Voracious Canopy on Eden-6. Will ONLY drop when killed with incendiary damage on True Vault Hunter Mode or Mayhem Mode.
- Smart Gun XXL (Weapon throw on reload creates a Gigamind spider turret..) – Will drop from Gigamind in Meridian Metroplex on Promethea.
- Tsunami (Fires random mix of Shock and Corrosive shots.Normal rounds will ricochet once). – Has a high chance to drop from Katagawa Ball on Skywell-27.
- Westergun (No recharge timer, inflicts reduced splash damage over a greater radius) – Has an increased chance to drop from Private Beans at Dido’s Remorse cemetery in Athenas.
Borderlands 3 Legendary Sniper Rifles
- Crossbow (Mags contain one shot. Bolts explode) – Will drop from Urist McEnforcer in Lectra City on Promethea.
- Headsplosion (Shoots explosive ammo. Critical hits cause three rounds to ricochet) – Will drop from Manvark on Pandora via Crew Challenge.
- Tankman’s Shield (Each kill increases the damage dealt by the ammo in the next mag clip) – Will drop from Captain Traunt on Athenas, or from the Valkyrie Squad and Wotan the Invincible in Midnight’s Calm when Mayhem Mode 4 is being used.
And we’re done. These are all of the Borderlands 3 legendary weapons that you can get from either killing targeted enemies, or for completing special quests. We hope you’ve found this guide useful in your ongoing quest to seek out the best legendary weapons in Borderlands 3!