Arguably one of the most important games ever made, it’s certainly reasonable to say that attempting to remake Resident Evil 4 is no mean feat. Widely recognised as not just a stunning remake of one of the best Resident Evil games but a superb third-person shooter in its own right, here is every way that the Resident Evil 4 Remake surpasses its legendary source material.
Resident Evil 4 Remake Boasts Truly Next Generation Visuals That Honour The Original

Though it might be a little cheeky to compare the visuals of a 2023 title to a game that was released all the way back in 2005, it cannot be overstated just how much splendour the Resident Evil 4 remake packs into its visual presentation. In sticking true to its title, everything in Resident Evil 4 remake has been rebuilt from the ground up, but with a real love for the 2005 original. Immediately recognisable locations such as the Lakeside Settlement are brought to life with extreme levels of texture detail, high quality lighting effects that really cement the creeping horror atmospherics, completely remade character models and much more besides. Looking every bit like a cutting edge survival horror title with style to spare, the Resident Evil 4 remake doesn’t just do ample justice to the original game, it also confidently stands shoulder to shoulder with some of the most visually accomplished games on the market.
The Resident Evil 4 Remake Gets Rid Of QTEs And Is All The Better For It

Arguably a relic of its time, the jarring QTE (Quick Time Event) system that powered many of Resident Evil 4’s dramatic encounters back in 2005, which required players to press a button at a specific time lest they fail the scenario completely, has been completely removed from the Resident Evil 4 remake. With the onus much more on player skill rather than how quickly they can mash a button, the removal of QTEs meant that some sequences from the original game had to be entirely redesigned for the Resident Evil 4 remake. In particular, the late game knife fight with all round bad dude Krauser, which was made up entirely of QTEs in the original release, had to be completely rethought as a much more thrilling, more interactive boss fight that effortlessly transcends its clunky origins.
The New And Improved Combat Knife

Any fan of Resident Evil knows that the trusty combat knife is often the last resort for any given playthrough, unless they happen to be a supremely skilled player. While this was true for the release of the original Resident Evil 4 back in 2005, Capcom has instead massively upgraded Leon’s trusty can-opener for the Resident Evil 4 remake. Much more capable in the Resident Evil 4 remake, Leon’s combat knife can now be used to not only parry incoming attacks but can also be used to messily execute fallen enemies too. All of that newfound utility comes at a price however, since the combat knife can now be worn down after extended use, eventually leaving Leon without a last resort weapon to fall back on when things become dire.
Stealth And Crouching Open Up New Gameplay Possibilities

Another feature that debuts in Resident Evil 4 remake is being able to crouch and the stealthy possibilities that being able to sneak around opens up. Unlike the original game where direct confrontation was always inevitable, the Resident Evil 4 remake now allows stealthy players to sneak behind foes and kill them instantly with Leon’s trusty combat knife (for a small durability penalty, of course), or simply use cover and the surrounding environment to avoid combat entirely where the situation permits it. Of course you can still go absolutely nuts, blasting away at enemies and slamming them onto their skulls if you like, but having the option to take a different approach in the Resident Evil 4 remake is greatly welcome all the same.
All-New Optional Side Quests Expand The Resident Evil 4 Experience Even Further

With backtracking through the various areas in the original 2005 release being something of a chore for many, Capcom has decided to spice things up somewhat for the remake of Resident Evil 4. To make revisiting previously explored areas more compelling, the Resident Evil 4 remake includes a range of optional side quests that involve Leon shooting blue medallions or vanquishing newly respawned enemies in a specific place in order to gain a unique reward. Though hardly groundbreaking, it nonetheless serves to make the backtracking more palatable than it ever was before.
The Typewriter Now Does Much More Than Just Save Your Progress

One of the most recognisable icons of the Resident Evil franchise, the typewriter has long been a refuge for weary players looking to save their progress and gain some measure of safety from the horrors that lay outside the room. In the Resident Evil 4 remake the utility of the typewriter has broadened out to be something much more akin to how save points function in other games, such as the Yakuza titles for example. Now, not only do typewriters allow you to save your progress, but they also allow Leon to customise his Attache Case while also providing an additional chunk of storage to move weapons to and from.
Ashley 2.0 Is Here And We’re Thankful

In Resident Evil 4’s original incarnation, Ashley Graham, the daughter of the United States President and the main reason why Leon is in the deepest, darkest and most horrifying corners of Spain in the first place, wasn’t much to write home about. Essentially, Leon had to chaperone her around the place making sure that she didn’t come to any harm, which was easier said than done. While that same basic premise remains in place for the Resident Evil 4 remake, Ashley herself has seen some welcome upgrades for Resident Evil 4’s 2023 release. Not only can she respond to specific signals from Leon, allowing players much more control over her movements as a result, but Ashley also has her own playable sections where she’ll help Leon solve puzzles, sneak past enemies and more. Oh and she also has a new wardrobe too. Which is nice.
Shop for the Resident Evil 4 Remake

If you’ve been waiting to grab the Resident Evil 4 Remake then now’s your chance, head to our store and see if we can do a deal with you. There’s no reason to wait, you don’t have to avoid it like Las Plagas.