In every way that it can be Hogwarts Legacy is a true love letter to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Not only does it boast a captivating original story within the titular walls of Hogwarts which takes place more than a hundred years prior to the narrative of the Boy That Lived, but so too is it overflowing with more secrets and easter eggs than you can shake a Hippogriff feather at – many of which you might miss on your first playthrough. So without further ado, here are some of the best easter eggs and secrets you can uncover in Hogwarts Legacy.
A Poor Boy Throwing Up Slugs

If you make your way to the Hospital Wing of Hogwarts you’ll soon come across an amusing though queasy sight; a young student vomiting up slugs into a bucket. Yuck. In a cheeky nod to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, this easter egg is a throwback to the scene where Ron Weasley tried to curse Draco Malfoy with a Slug-vomiting Charm in response to his cruel barb where the Slytherin student called Hermione Granger ‘a filthy little mudblood’. Sadly, a broken wand meant that the Slug-vomiting Charm was soon returned to sender.
A Swarm Of Flying Keys

When your wannabe wizard embarks on the Daedalian Key quest, you’ll find yourself chasing down a number of golden flying keys all over Hogwarts to unlock special cabinets in order to scoop up the previous house relic robes and tokens that lay inside. The quest is itself a troll-sized reference to when Harry had to undertake a trial in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone so that he could take possession of Nicholas Flemel’s titular magical stone.
Discovering The Entrance To The Chamber Of Secrets

Another neat little secret that Hogwarts Legacy has tucked away is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. To find it, simply head into the girl’s Slytherin bathroom and you’ll find a very recognisable sink that just so happens to have a snake symbol emblazoned upon it. This is the very sink that Harry Potter needed to stand in front of and utter the opening phrase in Parseltongue in order to gain entry.
Fantastic Beasts And This Is How You Find Them

The vast array of easter eggs that can be uncovered in Hogwarts Legacy extend far beyond the mainline Harry Potter books and movies. In particular, one of these creatures from the Fantastic Beasts movies that can be found in Hogwarts Legacy. The Niffler, a chaotic little furry beast with a single-minded drive to loot shiny objects for its pouch can be seen in the quest ‘A Thief in the Night’. Elsewhere, the elusive white Niffler variant can be tracked down and added to your vivarium – if you’re brave enough to venture down to their den just south of Cragcroft.
Fred & George Weasley – Is That You?

One of the neater easter eggs that you’ll come across is a pair of ginger haired boys standing outside a shop, trying to get a good look at the interior through the window. A clear reference to Fred and George Weasley, the cheeky twin wizards that would go on to run the magical joke shop known as Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. You can find these mischievous look-alike lads outside Zonko’s Joke Shop in snowy Hogsmeade.
Happy Deathday Dance Party

In Hogwarts Legacy it’s actually possible to find its more ethereal residents throwing themselves a happy deathday party. To discover this ghoulish, though ultimately cheerful spectacle, unlock one of the gates close to the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room and you’ll find a deserted chamber within where a number of ghosts are having a perfectly splendid happy deathday dance.
Honey, I Shrunk The Quidditch

Even though Quidditch doesn’t feature in Hogwarts Legacy as a playable activity, you can still find a game or two being played within the walls of Hogwarts. Make your way to Madam Kogawa’s office and scan the room for the Quidditch cups all stacked up against the wall. Simply look to the left of these cups and you’ll see a Quidditch game being played out as a miniature, enchanted spectacle. A tantalising tease to say the least.
Preparing A Polyjuice Potion

Another in a long line of nods to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, if you venture inside the girl’s bathroom just around the corner from Professor Fig’s Classroom, you’ll discover that some enterprising young wizard has left a Polyjuice Potion happily bubbling away in one of the bathroom stalls.
Seeding The Avada Kedavra Scar

One of the more subtle easter eggs that Hogwarts Legacy boasts involves the Avada Kedavra spell. As soon as you learn this murderous magical attack, you’ll see that the spell pathway is a lightning bolt, representing a direct design parallel to Harry Potter’s own iconic forehead scar.
The Prison Of Sirius Black

In Hogwarts Legacy it’s possible to locate the very same cage that was used to imprison Sirius Black in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. To locate the cage which held Sirius Black for all those years, simply take a wander up the staircase from the office of Professor Ronen (easily accessible by the Floo Flame in the Charms Classroom) and you’ll come face to face with the prison of Sirius Black.
Tracking Down Hagrid’s Hut

Even though Hogwarts Legacy takes place more than a hundred years before the events chronicled in the Harry Potter books and movies, the ramshackle hut that Hagrid would later inhabit is still very much standing with a flourishing pumpkin patch to boot. To locate Hagrid’s Hut, simply wander out through the southern entrance of Hogwarts and follow the winding path down into the valley. Before long, you’ll see Hagrid’s Hut come into view. Keen eyes will also spot a grave in the vicinity of the hut with a hippogriff carved into it. An affectionate nod to Hagrid’s own hippogriff Buckbeak if there ever was one.
Uncovering The Deathly Hallows

That’s right – the very same Deathly Hallows which would close out the Harry Potter movies are also present in Hogwarts Legacy. When you’re taking part in Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial, not only will Death make himself known to you, but so too will the trio of Deathly Hallows, including the Cloak of Invisibility, the Elder Wand and then last of all, the Philosopher’s Stone.
Shop Hogwarts Legacy Here

Enough of Easter Eggs, it’s time to grab Hogwarts Legacy for yourself. Grab your Nimbus and head over to our store to see if we can get you a great deal on Hogwarts Legacy today.