Looking for a stream to watch this weekend? Look no further, our mighty Green Team are here to entertain you. Check out what games they’re playing and when in our schedule below. We promise you, you’ll be fully entertained!
Game | Name | Time (GMT) |
Rise of the Tomb Raider | Green Man Gaming | 17:00 |
Banner Saga 1 | Kisuke | 14:00 |
Alien: Isolation | pjghangouts | 23:30 |
Post Scriptum | BlackFireForge | 0:00 |
Banner Saga 3 | Drogith | 2:00 |
Game | Name | Time (GMT) |
Gamemaker Studio | pjghangouts | 23:30 |
Mount and Blade Warband | BlackFireForge | 0:00 |
Game | Name | Time (GMT) |
Island of Nyne | BwithMark | 16:00 |