The best indie games in December are here to ease you through the impending Holidays. It’s absurd that we’re talking about the end of the year when we’re all very certain it was January just last week, but the march of time is an unstoppable and terrifying force, so here we are.
Anyway, existential crisis aside, we’ve collated a bunch of wonderful-looking indie games from the month ahead that we think are going to be worth keeping an eye on. There are plenty of art styles and genres among them, so you are sure to find something to suit your tastes,
ANTONBLAST – 3rd December
First up, we’ve got ANTONBLAST, which has more than a little bit of the old-school Wario games in its DNA. It’s a fast-paced retro-styled platformer where you’ve got to try and steal your Spirits back from Satan. It’s a tale as old as time, truly. Expect more than a little bit of pure chaos, plenty of violence, and the kind of speed normally reserved for hedgehogs.
Entropy Survivors – 4th December
Entropy Survivors is a new bullet-hell roguelike set in the same universe as Shoulders of Giants, a game where you’re a little frog on top of a big old robot. Expect loads of weapons, plenty of skills to unlock, and some over-the-top action. Also, as it’s a bullet hell, expect to be dodging bullets by millimetres. The game also has co-op and a demo out as well, so you can go and try it now.
Bridge Constructor Studio – 5th December
The Bridge Constructor series is an interesting one. At its core, it’s about you trying to build physics-based bridges from one side of a large gap to the other, but things get more complex the more you play. Sometimes, that means new limitations and sometimes, that means buttons to push along the way. The latest entry, Bridge Constructor Studio, has you doing all of the above in both virtual reality and mixed reality, which should lead to a new dimension of tactile fun.
Path of Exile 2 – 6th December
Hoo boy this is a big one. Path of Exile 2 is the follow-up to the preposterously good and long-running Path of Exile. Set after the original game, Path of Exile 2 will once again be free-to-play, after around 6 months in a paid-for Early Access state. Offering up a co-op experience for up to six players, it’s an action RPG along the same lines as Diablo, and if it’s anything like its predecessor, it’ll likely have a frankly disgusting amount of customisation and builds available for you to play with.
The Spirit of the Samurai – 12th December
If you are fan of 2D stop-motion animation, The Spirit of the Samuarai should be top of your most anticipated games list thanks to its stunning visuals. Those visuals aside, however, it should probably be on your list any way, as you play as a reanimated samurai taking on a bunch of Japanese monsters in a bid to save tiy Japanese village. Yes, that is as cool as it sounds.
The Knight of Nephiart – 31st December
In slightly unusual fashion, we are finishing this list with our second VR entry of the month. The Knight of Nephiart is an old-school RPG, complete with some wonderfully retro N64-style graphics, that has you taking part in turn-based battles in first person against all manner of classic enemies. There’s a story to follow, companions to meet and get to know, and a world to undoubtedly save – the nostalgia is overflowing with this one.