E3 2019 has ended, but throughout the conference, one question rang out amongst attendees and those watching online; where the heck is Sony? Well, announced at the rear of last year, Sony told the world that for the first time in E3’s 25 year history, they wouldn’t be attending.
This means no shocking price announcements, no weird post-apocalyptic churches, and no digs at Microsoft. What it did mean is theorising about what Sony are up to, and are they building up to an announcement of the PlayStation 5?
We did get a few droplets of information about games coming to Sony platforms scattered through other conferences, so here’s what we think we would’ve seen from Sony at E3 2019.
Death Stranding
Death Stranding received a trailer prior to E3 2019, showing off a bit more info and gameplay than we had before. It’s no surprise that Kojima Productions’ first game is already setting the world ablaze with theories and pre-orders. We suspect that if Sony had attended E3 2019, this would’ve potentially been the crown jewel of the conference.
The Last of Us: Part II
Sony wouldn’t have had to do much to promote The Last of Us: Part II, simply because it’s one of the most anticipated games of all time. Frankly even a static logo and a release date would’ve exploded the internet.
Ghost of Tsushima
Since its reveal in 2017, fans have been waiting with baited breath for more of this open-world samurai stealth-em-up. We got some more gameplay footage last year, but there’s always more we could’ve seen, and in a post-Sekiro world everyone is hankering for more sword action.
Final Fantasy VII Remake
We did get our handsome eyes all over some hot Final Fantasy VII Remake footage during the Square Enix conference, but frankly a second viewing would’ve been extremely welcome. Maybe a third too. Oh who cares, make it a FFVII conference.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
The Call of Duty series has a long standing arrangement with Sony, with PlayStation consoles receiving updates first, ahead of their Xbox competitors. Sony’s E3 2019 conference would be an ideal place to show off more of this reboot (prequel?). As it is, we’ll have to remain on tenterhooks for now.
Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077 looks like it’ll be the game that everyone stops and plays when it’s finally released. Incorporating open world CD Projekt RED magic with Keanu Reeves goodness, it’s looking like it’ll be the game on everyone’s lips. Coming to PlayStation 4, a Sony conference could have given us a little more cyberpunk-y action.
PS5 Tease

We all know it’s coming, we all know some of the specs and obviously we’ll get more information over the coming months, but a potential E3 conference could’ve given us a soupçon more. Imagine it, a black screen, the camera pulls back to show a black box and…PS5, coming 2020 (maybe).
That’s how we think an E3 2019 Sony conference could’ve gone. If you want to see how E3 2019 did go, check out all the coverage on the Green Man Gaming blog. What were you hoping to see from Sony this year? Let us know in the comments below.