Alex McHugh The Legend of Zelda The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword’s Toughest Bosses Jul 1st, 2021 The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD means a whole new generation gets to experience one of the hidden gems in the Zelda series. One of the key...
John-Paul Jones Nioh 2 Nioh 2 Bosses - How Many Bosses Are There? Dec 22nd, 2020 There are no less than 42 bosses in Nioh 2. That figure includes all of the bosses you’ll come across in the expansions too. Yep, that’s a whole...
John-Paul Jones Demon's Souls Demon’s Souls Bosses - What To Expect Dec 8th, 2020 Perhaps more than any other aspect of Demon’s Souls exceptional design, it’s the numerous bosses that make up its roster of fearsome big bads...
Alex McHugh Articles How to beat all the Terraria Bosses Sep 29th, 2020 There’s a lot of bosses in Terraria and each one provides a thorough test of your abilities and your preparation. Taking them on requires...