Our Green Man Gaming Community is growing every week, and every week we see lots of your comments, replies, and posts on our community site, and each week we get great responses to our questions, to our polls, and just generally!
The best comment we received during the week ending 10/11 is this one, so check it out!
Harold’s Tea Plans
If you missed it, Harold from accounts briefly took over our Twitter account. He didn’t understand how to use Twitter that well, but he tried his best and got some great help from the community.
At one point though he did get very confused, using Twitter because he thought it was Google:
sorry i thought this was google
— Green Man Gaming (@GreenManGaming) November 7, 2017
Thankfully Barry O’Connor was on hand to give Harold a helping hand, and give some advice about dinner:
Don't worry Harold, it'll soon be hometime. Treat yourself and have a nice fish finger sandwich with chips and peas 🙂
— Barry O'Connor (@barryoconnor77) November 7, 2017
This wins our Best Comment of the Week this week simply because it’s kind and pleasant and also, a fish finger sandwich with chips and peas is a BELTER dinner! Thanks Barry!
For this week’s Comment of the Week, check here!