Our Green Man Gaming Community is growing every week, and every week we see lots of your comments, replies, and posts on our community site, and each week we get great responses to our questions, to our polls, and just generally!
The best comment we received during the week ending 08/12 is this one, so check it out!
Civil Loot Box and Microtransaction Comment!
So on the Thursday of this week I published my opinion piece about Loot Boxes and Microtransactions, and stated my opinion that while they’re mainly horrible, they exist to prop up AAA development and if they go away, something in AAA development will have to change, including them becoming smaller and more focused games.
This didn’t go down well. Mainly the reactions ranged from ‘I didn’t read the article but I’m angry’ to ‘I didn’t understand the article and I’m angry’.
But our Green Man Gaming Community came through for us, and we got one especially erudite and well thought out, and civil(!) comment by Endyo, who raised some points that I hadn’t considered, and talked through some points regarding publicly traded companies and microtransactions. Here it is:
For this week’s Comment of the Week, check here!