Late to the party and wondering what this Fortnite business is about? Or are you an OG struggling to come to grips with Chapter 2?
Either way, if you’re throwing yourself out of the Battle Bus in 2019, you’ll be looking for that elusive Victory Royale.
Here’s our guide to getting your first Victory Royale in Fortnite.
Stick the Landing
The first thing to worry about in Fortnite is where to land. You’ll spawn in the Battle Bus as it makes its away across the map and you’ll see a lot of players leap out at the earliest opportunity, or aim for certain spots.
It may sound counter-intuitive but jump into populated spots like cities if you’re trying to hone your skills. You’ll die plenty of times, but a Victory Royale only comes with experience (and some dumb luck).
Now is a great time to jump into Fortnite, literally, as Chapter 2 brought a new map to the game. That means you’re not the only one learning the best places to land.
For our money, one of the best places to land in Fortnite Chapter 2 is the orchard area right above Frenzy Farm. It’s an excellent resource hotspot and you can get the drop on other players as they rotate out of Frenzy Farm.
Build and Break
Shooting accurately in Fortnite can make the difference between a Victory Royale and a crushing disappointment.
Fornite’s shooting feels different than most FPS games and combines hitscan and projectile weapons, so learning the difference between the two can open up new strategies. You may also want to look at some guides for tweaking your mouse sensitivity settings.
As in any game, shooting accurately in Fortnite will always come down to muscle memory, so don’t be afraid to get into firefights. Losing game after game doesn’t matter if you think of it as training for your eventual victory floss.
You’ll also need to know how to build quickly in Fortnite to achieve victory. Again, there are loads of tutorials on YouTube and Twitch, but it all comes down to speed and keeping a steady head—both things you’ll learn through practice. Remember, you’ll need resources for building, which is where our recommended drop zone really shines.
The Meta
A tutorial and in-game experience can only equip you with so much in a game like Fortnite. If you still find yourself outgunned by other players, then learning the meta will go a long way.
The meta can shift with every update, so the only way to keep in tune with it is to watch others play and do some research. Find out what kind of strategies top players use to get a sense of the current meta.
Chapter 2 has shaken everything up on that score, so the playing field in meta terms is more level now than it was before Chapter 2’s arrival.
Don’t forget that luck will always play a role in battle royale games. The odds are simply against you winning—you’ll always be outnumbered by the enemy at the start of the game. With these tips in mind, though, you can tilt the odds in your favour.