Picking the Rocket League camera settings that feel best for you is a somewhat subjective thing. Obviously people prefer different settings, FOV’s, distance to car, etc… However, when the majority of players use certain settings, it’s worth taking a closer look at how exactly they set their game up. One place to look at is what Rocket League Pro camera settings are being used. Pro players will have tinkered and tweaked to the nth degree to get everything just right. Let’s take a look at what most pro and casual players pick to help provide a bit of guidance.
Camera Shake

The first setting to look at and probably the easiest choice to make is turning the camera shake off. I don’t know a single person that chooses to have camera shake switched on. All camera shake does is make it harder to see what’s going on. I guess the idea is that it makes it more immersive, but in reality it just gets annoying. Switch it off.
When picking your own Rocket League best camera settings, the field of view (FOV) is going to be something a little more personal to you. When looking at the pro players they mostly have theirs set to 110 which is the max you can have. That being said, higher FOV’s can give people a tunnel vision effect which makes them feel a little nauseous. Obviously the higher your FOV the more of the pitch you’re going to see. But I suspect most people will want to test out a few different settings to find what’s right for them. Somewhere around the 100 mark is probably where most casual players will feel comfortable.
Switching between Ball cam and Free cam is something you’ll be doing fairly frequently. Activating Ball cam means your camera will always be focused on the ball no matter which direction you drive. Switching it off means your camera will centre over your car as you’d see in all driving games. Your choice here is pretty simple, set it to either toggle or hold when switching between the two. Toggle is the most widely used, but pick whatever works for you.
Distance, Height, Angle
All of these Rocket League camera settings focus on the placement of the camera behind your car. Distance is how far away from your car the camera is. The further away it is, the more you should see. However, you might struggle to gauge distances on things like aerial shots. Values between 270 and 290 are common choices.
The height of the camera determines how far off of the ground the camera is. Again, you might encounter similar issues to the distance setting if you have it too high. Pro’s tend to pick between 110 and 130. But it’s whatever you feel suits you best.
Angle is another option that’s all about what you prefer. If your angle is high you’ll be looking down on your car more, not really able to see what’s in front of you. Too low and you’ll be looking at the back of your car. Tinker with it until you feel it’s in the right spot.
As has already been said, the Rocket League best camera settings is something you’ll want to find out what’s right for you by playing around a bit. But hopefully this gives you something to get started with.