When you start Skyforge you have access to three of the starter Skyforge classes. You unlock the others by playing the game. We'll explain exactly what's on offer and how to unlock them.
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Eve Online Mining Guide – How to Uproot Those in Power and Seize the Means of Production
Thinking of becoming an Eve Online miner? Looking to start making an honest living in peaceful null-sec?. It isn’t quite the space goldrush but it should be more fun than panning for gold and dying of heat exhaustion, so let us help!
Is Eve Online Free To Play? – A Brief Introduction To The Massive Space Faring Adventure
Finding a good space game can be a horrifying, daunting task. There are now nearly as many games on Steam as there are stars in the night sky (not fact-checked). So when a good one comes along, then lasts for over a decade, then there’s probably a reason why!
A Guide To The Eve Online Races – Who To Choose
You know you want to start and you are definitely ready to get on with sailing the stars. You know the ships you like, the skills to train in, and who to be friendly with. We can help you decide which one suits the way you want to play, or which one aligns with you on a personal level.
Eve Online Beginner’s Guide – An New Players Guide to Help You Get Started
This is it; you’re finally ready to make a name for yourself amongst the stars. Not only are you ready, but you are also bursting at the seams just to get started. The only problem is you’re feeling a bit lost!
Eve Online Ships – A Look at the Eve Online Ship Classes and What They Mean
You’ve decided to explore the great unknown, the final frontier, space. You have your shoes tied tight, your space outfit on, and you are ready to fly out and see what you can find. The only trouble is you have no idea which of the Eve Online ships is for you!
A Skyforge Beginners Guide – Where to Start and What to Do
You’ve decided to enter the pantheon of the gods and become divine yourself. The only trouble is that you don’t know where to start. After all, it can’t be all that simple to shed these mortal chains and become something so much more, can it?