As you could probably tell from our Bethesda and Sony posts, E3 is fast approaching and Ubisoft have a conference penciled in for June 12 at 1 PM PT / 9 PM BST / 4 PM ET. Here is what we would like to see from Ubisoft’s press conference.
Far Cry 5
This one is basically confirmed. With the Far Cry 5 teasers dropping earlier this week, we can’t wait to get more information. We know it is set in Montana so, expect some pretty nitty gritty storytelling here, that’s if the teaser trailers are anything to go by.
Assassin’s Creed: Origins
This game wasn’t so much confirmed as leaked by the internet. Rumour has it that the next outing for Assassin’s Creed will be set in Egypt, and judging by the leaked name will be set before Altair’s time in the first game. I wonder how deep they will go into Egyptian gods, that would be cool!
South Park: The Fractured But Whole
The next South Park game has been hit with a constant stream of delays. So now it has a new release date of October we should hopefully get at least some new gameplay footage and details about the game during Ubisoft’s press conference. Maybe they’ll announce a special edition complete with Nosulus rift.
The Crew 2
The next title in the ongoing Crew series will more than likely feature cars and have the player drive them in possibly a racing type fashion. We can probably expect a large open world where you can drive to your hearts content. Maybe they’ll take a leaf from Forza Horizon 3.
Beyond Good & Evil 2
Will we finally get some more information about Beyond Good & Evil 2? This game was first teased in 2008 and then officially confirmed by Ubisoft in 2014. So I think it is safe to say that we should hopefully get some more information on the game at E3. Please!
Mario + Rabbids
With Nintendo doing their own Tree house thing at E3 and not giving a conference, this is prime opportunity for Ubisoft to give us some information on what exactly the heck Mario + Rabbids for the Switch is (rumour has it, it will be a crossover RPG). Even though there has only been a string of leaks we may get an official announcement and reveal at E3.
A New Tom Clancy Game
It wouldn’t surprise me if new Tom Clancy games was announced. Maybe a new Rainbow Six or Splinter Cell or even the Division 2? Maybe it’s even time for a new H.A.W.K.S.
Red Steel 3, Far Cry: Blood Dragon 2 and/or Another Prince Of Persia
Maybe? No? Yeah… probably no.
For more E3 coverage this year, check our E3 2017 tag.