Warframe is a great game, but it is also an incredibly intimidating experience to start. Figuring out exactly what to do when you first jump in is scary, but it doesn’t have to be! What here to help with this handy Warframe beginners guide!
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A Tera Beginner’s Guide – A Few Tera Tips for New Players
The time has come to get stuck into a new MMORPG. If only there was some kind of Tera Beginner Guide to help you get started. Well good news, that’s exactly what this is. These tips will help you make the most of this incredible free to play game.
A Guide to the Best Tera Classes – Choosing How to Fight in This Free-to-Play MMORPG
Jumping into an MMORPG is an exciting and nerve-wracking time. Sometimes you just need someone to point you in the right direction. With Tera, one of the most important choices is which of the classes is best. Let us guide you as you take your first steps!
A Guide to the Best Warframes For Beginners – Making Your First Choice Seems Scary, It Doesn’t Have to Be!
So you’ve decided to help out the Tenno and fight the good fight, but which of the Warframe Warframes is best for you? With all of the choices presented to the player it can be a bit overwhelming to know where to start. Let us help you out!
What is Warframe? A Beginner’s Look Into This Incredible Free-to-Play Game
In Warframe you play as a Tenno, the only surviving race of beings who can use the incredible Warframes. Your role is to try and take back the solar system from the horrific things that inhabit it. Get to grips with the basics with our help.
A Guide to the Best Free Shooters – Find the One You Like and Take Aim
Is there any genre more at home on a PC than the shooter? Many of the best f2p games are first or third person shooters, it's a wonderful genre filled with lots of nuances, action, and being shot lots in the face by people much better than you.
A Guide to the Best Free Survival Games – Games Are Too Easy, Enter the World of Games That Want to Kill You
One of the most interesting emergent genres of the last few years is the survival game. The genre tasks you with maintaining your own food, water, gear, and sometimes even sanity. The unique challenges offered by this genre make them incredibly compelling and that means that there are some great free survival games around.
A Guide To The Best Free Anime MMORPGS and Anime Games – Find Your Waifu, Lose Your Life-U
If you’re a big anime fan then it’s natural to want to find an anime MMORPG to jump into like Sword Art Online or Log Horizon. This is the place to start your journey into the absurd and wonderful world of anime games.