Devolver Digital has announced an Indie Picnic Event and their first ever E3 press conference and with that, we’re laying out the blankets, cutting the pork pies and cheering our Pimms, discussing what the studio has in store for us next week.
The indie Publisher has been behind many indie hits including Shadow Warrior, Titan Souls and Hotline Miami, but they seem to have a long list of titles emerging this year that we’re bound to hear more of at E3.
In a perfect future… is how most imperfect futures start and in this psychotic cyberistic corrupt new world, a wired sociopath is out for revenge, ending in a bloody and brutal action game. With an initial release date of 2016, we’d love to see what’s in store for the game.
Ape Out
Ape Out looks like a problematic prison where you play as an Ape and escape the ruthless place where you’re kept, strategically smashing anything in sight. The bold, vivid colours, give this a quirky and retro feel and with a summer release date, we’d love to hear more details on when!
Crossing Souls
A playful and intriguing concept, Crossing Souls seems to offer curiosity and action, in this fast paced adventure game. The iridescent colours and intriguing gameplay combines a lot of interesting ideas, toying with the invisible plane between life and death, whilst exploring interesting territories and enigmatic places.
Fork Parker
Let him SPEAK.
*bangs table* LET. HIM. SPEAK.
Shadow Warrior 3
Another one please? Shadow Warrior is so Wang it feels right.
What are you excited to see from Devolver Digital this year? Let us know in the comments below, or on social media!