It’s that time of year again where most people in the northern hemisphere start to feel the cold quite a bit. Winter rolls in, the snows hit and you pray to some sort of higher being that your boiler doesn’t pack in. So we thought it would be a great idea to look at what video games suggest are the best ways to keep warm and survive this winter.
If In Doubt Find A Random Camp Fire – Rise Of The Tomb Raider
Even in the deadliest of cold climates, Lara Croft manages to find un-attended campfires just lying around the place. Whether they are imbedded in a snowy mountain side or just left in the middle of a rain storm, these magical campfires manage to keep themselves fully a light at all times. So if you are caught short in a snow storm we suggest walking in a random direction until you see one. It’ll also give you a good chance to make adjustments to your bow and arrow if you have one handy.
Finding Thermal Energy Stashed In Boxes And Crates – Lost Planet
Lost Planet is probably one of the best games to give you some handy tips to survive the winds of winter. If we have learnt anything from this game, it’s that Thermal Energy (T-ENG) canisters can be found pretty much anywhere! Whether it is a random box or crate you come across on the way to the shops or indeed some barrels that are lying about outside your local pub, you are bound to find some T-ENG just lying around. True, T-ENG maybe native to certain alien planets but you never know, you may come across some in a random skip somewhere.
Shout Your Way Through Poor Visibility – Skyrim
When the wintery weather really picks up, poor visibility is going to be inevitable. Mist and fog can be a particular annoyance when it comes to navigating your way through harsh weather. According to the ‘Throat Of The World’ quest in Skyrim getting rid of the mist and fog in you immediate vicinity is as simple as shouting at it. Who says screaming into the wind is next to useless? Here’s a little tip for you, if you shout the words Lok, Vah and Koor in quick succession you will be able to clear the fog around you for a full 60 seconds. Just make sure you keep shouting though, as mist and fog have a nasty habit of creeping back in again.
Thick Winter Coats Can Double Up As Body Armour – SSX/Any Snow Boarding Game Ever
Remember when your parents aways used to remind you to put a coat on before you went outside to play in the snow? Well naturally you would think this advice was primarily to protect you from the cold. According to any extreme winter sports game out there however, a think winter coat can double up as pretty sturdy body armour. For example, every time your character in SSX or Cool Boarders would miss a trick and fall face first down the side of a mountain or indeed an icy crevasse, they would just get up, brush themselves off and carry on their merry way. So if one thing is clear, a good winter wardrobe is what everyone out there should invest in.
Keep Warm By Racing Penguins – Mario 64
Here’s a handy tip for you retro gamers out there. If you find yourself in a bit of a cold spot, then (according to Mario 64) why not race a penguin down a mountain in order to keep yourself warm? All you need to do is find a penguin, a relatively smooth mountain and away you go. According to Mario himself, the most effective way to race a penguin down a mountain is to just simply sit down in the snow and let gravity to the rest. If you win against said penguin you will also get some shiny coins for your trouble.
So there you have it, some top tips for us gamers out there to survive the harsh bite of winter. If you have any more top tips then don’t hesitate to post them in the comments section below.