Get ready to enhance your Borderlands experience as part of Season Pass 2 with the Borderlands 3 director’s cut release date being imminent – 18th March if you’re wondering. With it will be a bunch of new content for players to get stuck into and new items to grind for and unlock. With that being said, let’s dive into some of the Borderlands 3 director’s cut details.
Raid Boss
One of the main new additions coming with the DLC is the introduction of Hemovorous the Invincible, a massive Varkid who will drop some of the best loot in the game. Previously hiding away in her lair behind a locked door, Hemovorous is out and free for you to take on.
Said to be one of the ‘greatest end-game challenges’ veteran vault hunters can face, she will be available to fight once you’ve completed the main campaign and coughed up 500 Eridium. No doubt she will be one tough cookie with scaling difficulty based on your level and active Mayhem Mode level.
Murder Mystery
Also making its way to the Borderlands 3 director’s cut is a new murder mystery for you to solve. Join Ava and some other familiar faces as new story missions open up across Pandora, Promethea, Eden-6 and more. In order to solve the string of seemingly paranormal happenings you will need to uncover clues and investigate crime scenes as well as the classic shooting lots of stuff.
Vault Cards
Another new addition to the director’s cut is the introduction vault cards, which are three new challenge-based progression tracks that will unlock a closet worth of new cosmetic items as well as some new powerful gear that scales to your current level.
The first of the vault cards will be released at the same time as the director’s cut whilst the other two are slated to release by the end of 2021, but no definitive timeline on them.
When your vault card is active you will be presented with a number of daily/weekly challenges. Completing these challenges will reward you with the cosmetic items and other gear. With over 100 challenges you never know what sort of thing you might be tasked to do.
Anything else?

Why yes, there are a few other things worth mentioning.
Firstly, is the inclusion of some great behind the scenes content including making-ofs, concept art, story boards and more.
There’s also the question of whether the Borderlands 3 Director’s cut level cap is being increased. Sadly, no, Gearbox confirmed that it will remain at 65 for now.
It should also be noted that the directors cut is part of Season Pass 2, not separate. So don’t go getting confused or wondering what the difference is between Borderlands 3 Director’s Cut vs Season Pass 2. With the purchase of Season Pass 2 you will get the Director’s cut as well as the Designer’s Cut which released late last year. If you already own Season Pass 2, the Director’s Cut will be released as part of it on the 18th March 2021.