Set just a few years after the events of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, Resident Evil Village is a direct sequel that once more puts players into the shoes of Ethan Winters, the weary protagonist from the previous game. Living a life of relative bliss with his wife Mia and daughter Rosemary, Ethan’s life is turned upside down when Chris Redfield, the longtime hero of the franchise, inexplicably kidnaps Ethan and whisks him off to a snowy European village. In addition to being displaced from his wife, it also turns out that Ethan’s daughter Rosemary has also been abducted too, forcing Ethan to embark on a perilous mission to not only rescue Rosemary, but uncover the shadowy motives which lay behind Chris Redfield’s actions.
Just Who Is Lady Dimitrescu?
Arguably perhaps the most iconic antagonist the franchise has had in a long, long time, it isn’t long before Ethan runs into the towering Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, a deadly, vampire like creature that has existed for decades and which commands a fearsome brood of lesser vampires made up of her ‘daughters’. The master of Castle Dimitrescu, a 15th century castle built during the European middle ages, when she isn’t tearing up peasants and clumsy tourists into bloody chunks, Lady Dimitrescu exports ‘Sanguis Virginis’ to the rest of the world; a rather special red wine that is enriched with special properties. With a string of horrific murders and disappearances being attributed to Castle Dimitrescu between 1950 and 2020, it isn’t long before the fearsome countess, who boasts more than a few physical Tyrant characteristics, attracts the attention of one Chris Redfield.
What Is Chris Redfield’s Role In Resident Evil Village?
A long way from the somewhat loveable bro scout that he has been in previous games, Resident Evil Village shows us a very different Chris Redfield than the one we’ve been previously used to. Seemingly using Ethan as a means to infiltrate the titular village, Chris Redfield is on a mission sanctioned by Blue Umbrella, the new anti-bioterrorism outfit which was formed at the end of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. Just what are his motives however and has Chris turned to the dark side? Based on the evidence of his character so far I don’t think so, but it does seem that he’s willing to go to extreme lengths to bring down the Dimitrescu dynasty.
The Mysterious Mother Miranda – Who Is She?
When the poor villagers of Resident Evil’s Romanian village aren’t being dried of their blood, chopped up and generally murdered in all sorts of strange ways by the dangerously esoteric local nobility, they spend their time worshipping the masked Mother Miranda, a mysterious presence who may or may not have something to do with the disappearance of all the children in the village. Certainly the biggest mystery of Resident Evil Village so far, though the enigmatic Mother Miranda has been deliberately left shrouded in secrecy by Capcom, it seems like a sure bet that we’ll see her play a key role in the events of Resident Evil Village as they unfold.