Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is 10/10 bonkers. It’s a gory feast at the dinner table of excellent dialogue, incredible characters and enemies which never get tiresome. We got the chance to get a hands on with the new Wolfenstein and it didn’t disappoint. And as someone who freaks out in the face of danger, this game is definitely a dangerous ride into the jaws of a nazi blood bath.
If you’re itching to play the new game, you can check our hands on with Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. Where to start?
I loved this part. You start off in a wheelchair, playing as of course, B.J Blazkowicz, our much loved hero! One of your pals hands you a gun and then you’re off along the corridors of a submarine. You’re messed up, probably half alive and there are stitches covering your body. Then, you run into your first baddy and it’s all go go go as you struggle to push yourself with one arm and prop up your gun with the other. The noise of the wheelchair chimes through the corridors, scratching your ears and it’s painful and I was wincing as I rattled around small rooms and maneuvered myself across moving conveyer belts.
It’s a great take off from the last game and if you didn’t play Wolfenstein: The New Order, then it’s still easy to jump into the game and understand that you’re a badass hero that has survived a deadly ordeal.
They are beautiful specimens of machinery and the accuracy, the detail, the slight recoil and the instant regret when you choose the wrong gun for the situation is palpable through my fingertips. The guns are badass and duel wielding is not only easy to use, it’s beyond fun. Equip a pistol with upgraded silencer in the leftie, equip a loud blasting violent shotgun (seriously the best weapon) in the rightie and you’ll be winning.
There’s a lot of choice when it comes to weapons as well, but it’s important to not pick favourites as you’ll need ALL of them for different situations and you will run out of ammo quickly and be left with your least favourite – you’ll need to learn to love it.
Dual-wielding really makes this game and the shooting is incredibly satisfying. The shotgun is noisy and I found ammo scarce, so cherish this gun for the big boy bosses and super soldiers, there’s plenty of them.
Set in America this time round, in the demo we played, we were sent on a mission to take down the Oberkommando, by planting a nuclear explosive in the enemy’s secret hideout. The dialogue in this game is just 100% amazing, it’s authentic, realistic, funny and serious – it’s emotional. Which made this more than just fancy guns, it made me care. At the beginning of the mission, B.J is dressed as a Fireman and he is walking the streets of Roswell, off to meet his buddy at PaPa Joe’s Diner – excellent. As I wandered along the streets, shielding my face from passing guards, this scene really set up the whole mission for me. There’s a parade going on, celebrating the Nazis and it’s all decorated in these vibrant 50s pastels, mixed with the dark and oppressive swastikas.
The scene in the diner is beyond intense and I wanted to tear my eyes from the screen as a Nazi joyfully sipped his strawberry milkshake whilst scrutinising my credentials. It’s perfect.
Then, you get to go underground and shoot Nazis and it’s a relief from the first scene. I skirted through the underground tunnel, loving all my guns and ammo and feeling on top of the world. Until, I came up against my first super soldier and it’s all lasers and explosives and deaths and retries. Don’t get cocky, the speed at which B.J runs and the noise brimming from his machine gun makes you feel invincible, but you’re not, you’re really really not.
TIP: Melee the androids as they are too quick for gun fire
It’s intense and mind-blowing. You have to be strategic and there’s so many things I just got wrong the first time round. You have to think about how to approach situations, it’s not ALL run and gun and you have to be prepared for when times are tough and you can’t blow through ammo like nothing can touch you. As you’re still slightly injured, you’re health will constantly drop to +100, even if you pick up +200 health, it will slowly deteriorate until you’re once again at +100. This is difficult and it feels punishing, but reiterates the point, that you are not invincible. Pick ups are the best and there’s plenty of shields laying around to help.
TIP: Melee crates as they contain ammo, health and all sorts of goodies
You’ll pick up grenades and ‘throwing axes’ which are extremely handy. These can be used to take down enemies stealthly or lob them at an unsuspecting victim. The grenades, I found, were best when rolled behind the super soldiers, as it blew up their weak spot, a giant tank on their back.
Weapon upgrades are so important, we started off with three of these and I used most of them to beef up my machine gun and silence my pistol, but it really helps tailor the way you like to play and believe me, you won’t get far without them.
TIP: Dual-wield with two different guns, so you’re prepared
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is really everything I want from an FPS…
- Great characters I care about
- An incredible setting that keeps me on my toes
- Missions that make sense and I can 100% get behind
- Guns that are easy and a blast to use
- Oh and there’s none of this looting body business, I can just enjoy the ride
Thinking of getting Wolfenstein II? Watch the first part of the video below…