Green Man Gaming's Log: Stardate 47634.44
We have travelled to the Twitter Sector for a standard reconnaissance survey of the sect known as 'Twitter-Followers'. The question: who is the greatest Mass Effect character of all time?
We started with an initial wide spectrum query, asking the...
Mass Effect: Andromeda has finally landed! You may have noticed that the game has been getting some flack from reviewers over the past few days. When we jumped into the Andromeda Galaxy however, we had fun! So here are our top 5 things we love about Mass Effect: Andromeda.
The non-human...
Vikings: Wolves of Midgard is coming out today! So we thought it would be a great idea to come up with a comprehensive and super serious* list of the best wolves in Video Games.
*This list is in no way serious, we aren't even sure that wolves are a main feature of Vikings: Wolves of Midgard,...
A lot of our community have jumped into Bolivia in Ghost Recon Wildlands and so far have clocked up a massive 771,041.4 hours in Wildlands (That's 46,262,485 minutes or 2,755,749,100 seconds if you want big big numbers). That's pretty impressive, and with that Wildlands has just got a brand...
Here at Green Man Gaming we care a lot about our readers, so much so that we are slowly putting together a survival guide in order to help you, the gamer, just in case you get caught in a particularly life threatening situation.
Last month we covered How To Survive War According To Video Games....
We've had a few battles on our Twitter account recently. From the best Ubisoft game, to the best wrestler, to who'd win in For Honor.
All of that pales to this, this is the big one. The one we've all been waiting for. The answer to the burning question that has plagued mankind since we first...
With the release of Mass Effect: Andromeda right around the corner we here at Green Man Gaming are in the mood for a little space race.
It has been confirmed by the Andromeda initiative that it takes 600 years for the Ark Fleet to reach Andromeda from the Milky Way, this sounded like a pretty...
With the release of Nier Automata today on PC we thought we would add to the hype around the game and list some of the best PlatinumGames developed titles. If this list doesn't give you the faith that Nier Automata is amazing then nothing will.
Both Bayonetta 1 and 2 have been...
Attention all Overwatchers!
This is a call out for all you Overwatch players who have a collection of awesome Play of the Games, now you have a chance to show them off! Starting today, we ask you to submit your most epic, funny and outstanding Play of the Games, for a chance to win a game of...
We are hugely excited for the release of Mass Effect: Andromeda next week, so we thought it would be an awesome idea to list our top 5 favourite characters from the Mass Effect franchise. This list has the potential to change once we jump into Mass Effect: Andromeda, you'll also notice that this...
Our new community has launched! We’re here to let you know what you should do first to get connected and start reaping the benefits of being a part of the Green Man Gaming community.
Avatar and Bio
Firstly, you’ll want to set up your avatar portrait, so go ahead and upload your...
To celebrate the launch of Dead Rising 4 on Steam today, we've put together a timeline of our favourite zombies throughout gaming history, from Entombed to Dead Rising 4, the evolution of the gaming zombie has come a really long way! Do you agree?
Dead Rising 4 is available for pre-load now!...